Copenhagen FuzzFest
Stengade 30, København, May 13-14, 2004

by Scott Heller

Uploaded to Aural Innovations: June 2004

Day 1: D.R.I., Atomic Bitchwax and Kreisor

This was a two day event put on by 3rd Tsunami and featured a mixture of bands over two days. No one was sure how many people would come see DRI, as the band have not been around for about 10 years and not in Denmark for much longer than that. I got there early and chatted with all the bands and saw the soundchecks and hung out with the Atomic Bitchwax guys. We talked about the old and the new, Primus, Projekt Objekt, a Frank Zappa cover band that Keith has done sound for and is friends with. I also talked with Kenny, the leader of Kreisor. He works with Rubric Records and helped On Trial out on their last US tour. After the bands all went to eat and I went upstairs to Stalingrad, the bar above the club, and there were some young Danish kids reading poetry as well as an older guy reading a story from a book he wrote. It was pretty strange stuff.

The people started showing up about 9 and Kreisor hit the stage at 9:30. Not a lot of people but some. They played only songs from the new CD, Graveyard Of Your Dreams, and nothing from their previous CD, Aytobach Kreisor. They opened with a really cool song with a great phazer guitar called Reloader. The band’s previous bass player had just left 2 weeks before the tour so the new guy had to learn real quick and it did not leave them much room for changing things. He did a good job. Strong drummer as well. The Deep was a very hard drivin’ rocking number. Wandering was a fast song with a cool bass line. Lazerus was their version of a pop rocker, ha!!!!!!!! Fools Gold was a cool song about the area around CBGB’s. The set ended with Underneath The Light. I think they gained a few fans this night. Unfortunately, we did not get to see them when they toured with WE in February as no one would book the tour here.

Set List: Reloader, The Deep, Wander, Trilight, Lazerus, Fool’s Gold, Underneath the Light

It was a short change over as Kreisor and Atomic Bitchwax were sharing the backline gear. I think everyone agreed that Atomic Bitchwax really kicked some ass. Looks like they don’t need Ed Mundell to pull this off. Finn, from the band Core, was really good and he did not try to be Ed Mundell either. They played two brand new songs and a Melvins cover but the rest was familiar stuff. They opened with Ice Pick Freak into Hey Alright and Kiss The Sun (An old CORE song that the band covered on their first CD). The new song, Dark Chi, was next and it was a bit different from any of the old Bitchwax stuff but cool. The band was really playing hot, with awesome drums and bass, especially in the instrumental numbers like Stork Theme. Honeybucket (Melvins) was heavy... as it should be. Another new song, Going Guido, was really cool. I liked that one the best. Keith played some incredible drums on Dishing Out A Heavy Dose Of Tough Love and the crowd were yelling! They set ended with Shitkicker. 45 minutes... phew...

SetList: Ice Pick Freak, Hey Alright, Kiss the Sun, Dark Chi, Stork Theme, Honey Bucket, Cast aside your masks>The Cloning Chamber, Going Guido, Getting Old, Dishing our a heavy dose of tough love, Shitkicker.

After 30 minutes it was time for some good old hardcore-metal. Damn... DRI was fucking loud. The guitar pretty much drowned out the bass and some of the drums at times. The band played for about 75 minutes and it was a mix of the old short 1-2 minute songs and the late 80’s crossover stuff. The new singer and bass player were really good. It was the original drummer and guitar player. There was a crazy mosh pit in the front and the rest just watching out. It was really crazy stuff. I remember when I used to listen to stuff like this but it was just too much for me tonight. The crowd totally dug them though. As for a set list... it was long. Successful first night for Fuzzfest, about 200 people.

Day 2: Silver, Colour Haze, Gas Giant

Day 2 and something completely different. Silver are a Norwegian band that are on the Danish record label, Bad Afro Records. They have made quite a splash in Norway but have not really broken out yet in the rest of Europe. They were headlining this night. I arrived about the same time as Colour Haze and met up with Ralph as well. All went smooth with the soundchecks but it was a long time of sitting and talking and Gas Giant did not finish until 9:10 and were suppose to play at 9:40. Thomas and I ran out to get some pizzas for the guys as no one had eaten, only beers and joints. When we came back, Thomas and I ate pizza but no one else wanted to get full before playing. Jesper was in a very funny and good mood. I was not sure what was going to happen tonight. The bands last rehearsal was 8 days ago and they had a set worked out but it was not going to be the same, I could feel it.

The bands friends had all showed up in time and the place was filled with 40 people when Gas Giant hit the stage at 9:50. Jesper gave a strange speech about the royal wedding that took place today and then they started with a huge version of Firetripper. Wow... a massive, very loud wall of sound. Killer. Next up, was an old one, Down The Highway. It has been a couple of year since this was last played live. The arrangement was shortened this night. Phantom Tanker was great and Stefan was totally on fire on the lead guitar. His wife was up front and he was playing. Watch out. Jesper was very wild and singing in a strange way. Back On The Headless Track had a great guitar jam at the end. Too Stoned started very strange with Jesper replacing the first verse lines with something completely different before going into the real lyrics. The ending was quite strange as well. What was going on???? There’s One rocked and then the band decided it was time to jam and they closed the set with Storm Of My Enemies. A pretty cool 50 minute set.

Set List: Firetripper, Down the Highway, Phantom Tanker, Back on the Headless Track, Too Stoned, There’s One, Storm of my Enemies>Jam

Colour Haze, from München, their first time in Denmark, were really up for playing. They had played in Berlin the night before and were not so satisfied with that gig. They opened with a slow starting number, Sundazed. It was a great sound that they had. Roses really got the crowd going and Outside is a good heavy number to follow with. I was totally blown away with the bands new epic, Peace Brothers and Sisters! This is an amazing 22 minute song that is one part Leafhound, one part Black Sabbath and one part Free. Incredible song. A short jazzy new instrumental song called Love brought us all down to earth again. They closed with Zen. I love the ending of Zen. Great stuff but too short.

SetList: Sundazed, Roses, Outside, Peace Brothers and Sisters!, Love, Zen

The young tattooed Norwegian Silver was getting psyched up to play. The place had about 80 people I guess when they hit the stage at 12:20. They had some opening music and stood with their backs to the audience before they turned around and went into The Emptiness, a song that really sounded like the Stooges to me. These guys use some energy live. They were all over the place and sweating like crazy. While, I was not totally into this glam-punk rock thing, they played damn good and the singer was really charismatic and into it. They really gave it their all for 50 minutes and rocked the house. Lars, from Bad Afro, their record label, he was smiling. That is good. Cool set and nice guys… NO rock star attitudes... yet.

Set List: Emptyness, Funeral Class One, Dak side of Light, Evacuate, Intimate Cussing, Dondem Nation, Disco Deadline, Esctatic E, Roxect, Angels Calling, Riot 1-2-3, Ages???

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