Acid Mothers Temple & The Melting Paraiso UFO -
'Crystal Rainbow Pyramid Under The Stars'
(Important Records) Catalog number: IMPREC146
From Aural Innovations May 2009 update
Yet, another impressive CD title out on the Important Records label from the
seemingly endless repertoire of the Acid Mothers Temple. This three track disc
was pretty much what I had expected so there were very few surprises in store.
It's been noted by guitarist Kawabata Makoto that 'Crystal Rainbow....' is one
of AMT'S most polished recordings to date. "Pussy Head Man From Outer Space"
(7:42) is pretty much your usual Acid Mothers Temple wall of noise-space rock
to emotionally take in. "Crystal Rainbow Pyramid" (21:57) features
some semi-mutated vocals as well as some hot female vocals by new/er band member
Kitagawo Hao. Tune also includes some echoing guitar riffs that allows the listener(s)
to enjoy plenty of tripping bliss - to some it might just sound sort of like
an undiscovered Hawkwind cut - from their 1972 - 73 era. I'm having a good time
with this disc - can you tell? Finally, "Electric Psilocybin Flashback"
(40:21) is a lengthy full-throttled, all-out spaced out head-spinning piece
that gives you more fuzz guitar than your brain knows what to do with. As the
song progresses, it tends to sound a bit like Gong. This entire CD appears to
be focused on a ' mystic ambient' vibe. What will these over-the-top Japanese
musicians think of next? Another keeper of theirs. Am I the only one to be running
out of closet space? Get a copy now before it becomes out-of-print.
Check out the AMT web site at: http:/
Check out the record label web site at:
Reviewed by Mike Reed