Tlön- Tlön
(Nasoni Records 090)

From Aural Innovations May 2009 update

Tlön are a new band from Peru and the 3rd to be released on Nasoni. There is a link (the drummer) in this band with an old Peruvian band called Tarkus and a bonus track on the B-side is an old Tarkus track from the 70’s. Anyway, this is a hard record to get into and you have to really hear it a lot of times to really appreciate it. It is not one that just grabs you the first time and it must be played loud. Both drummer Walo and guitarist Christian share the vocals but the most are sung by Christian. The first two tracks are heavy rockers but then the mood changes on Sorus with some really nice acoustic guitar, hand drums and flutes to start and then a more heavy doomy track evolves. Lulú esta Volando has a cool riff and ends with a psych jam. Si ends the side with a short acoustic track. Bandera Negra is similar to some of the heavy rock tracks on the A side but with a more psychedelic feel and ends with a drum solo. Ukbar is an acoustic track, with an echoey psychedelic feel. Espejos has a sort of early Pentagram feel and is sung by Wallo, who has a deep voice. Ella Anda finishes the main record with another acoustic track, which is believe is one of the old ones from the Tarkus days. Tranquila Reflexión is the live bonus track, recorded in 2008. This is a sort of noodling instrumental rock jam to start that fades into a much more melodic section.
D. Gianella who is not listed on the record has co-written the majority of these tracks, and I am guessing he must have been the main man in Tarkus. They also have a lot of guest, more than 10 on the record. Anyway, if you like this current wave of psych bands from Peru, you will probably also dig this one. Cool raw production as well.

Check out the band web site at:

Check out the Nasoni Record Label web site at:

Reviewed by Scott Heller

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