Nik Fest Comix

Story by Roger Neville-Neil and Greg Stoker
Art by Greg Stoker
Copyright 1995-1996 by the authors

From Aural Innovations #16 (June 2001)

Roger Neville-Neil should be known to all Aural Innovations readers by now. He wrote the lyrics to "Heads" and "The War I Survived", both from The Xenon Codex, and his poem, "Raven Swallows The Moon", provided the inspiration for Farflung's The Raven That Ate The Moon album. His alter-ego, The Action Man, has also written several of his uniquely styled concert accounts for Aural Innovations. Roger also recently had 10 of his Haikus published in the UK based, Pendragon: Journal of the Pendragon Society. Look for them in Vol XXiX No. 1 Winter 2000-1.

Greg Stoker has had about 12 or 13 short stories published to date. They are mostly science fiction but also a little horror, fantasy and philosophical. He is a regular contributor to: Mad Scientist Magazine with "Spacedust" in the April issue and "A Rhesus to Believe" due out around September or later; and the Fading Shadows Publication magazines (Alien Worlds, Startling Science Stories and Classic Pulp Fiction). "The Bishop Waits" came out in the April issue of Alien Worlds. He is currently working on a new story for them right now.

The authors met in High School and both got turned on to Hawkwind at the same time in college when Hall Of The Mountain Grill came out.


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