Publicaton information, Credits and Acknowledgements

Text of Gnawing Medusa's Flesh, linking text in Appendices
© Steve Sneyd, 2000

Text of Working Down A Diamond Mine & Discography, Bibliography
© The estate of the late David Jones. Their respective rights to be identified as the authors is asserted in accordance with the Copyrights, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

Art © as credited below

All electronic rights reserved

British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data.
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

ISBN 0 905262 21 2

This publication is also No. 40/41 in the Data Dump series,

ISSN 1359 2041

Credits and Acknowledgements

This book is a non profit making venture and all quotes and illustrations are used with full respect to their creators and copyright holders, without any intention to profit commericially

As far as is known, picture credits are as given in captions and as follows:

Cover, back cover - David Jones
Photograph of Lisa Conesa in Gnawing Medusa's Flesh chapter by H.E. Turner
Last illustration/lettering in Gnawing Medusa's Flesh chapter by Dietrich Pless In the case of illustrations on the following pages the artists, photographers, or designers concerned are unknown/uncredited on the originals. (Any assistance in identifying them would be much appreciated so that credit could be given in any future edition).
First photograph of Calvert in Gnawing Medusa's Flesh chapter (Back cover of The Earth Ritual', 1986)
Fourth, and sixth images in Gnawing Medusa's Flesh chapter
Third (detail from contemporary Space Ritual promotional poster), fourth, fifth, and seventh images in Working Down A Diamond Mine chapter
Both images in Contents of C232 and The Earth Ritual chapter

Contact Steve Sneyd c/o Hilltop Press
4 Nowell Place
West Yorkshire

You can find Hilltop Press publications online in the NSFA catalog at:

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