Verde - "Karhun Epäillään Paskantaneen Golfkentälle"
(self-released 2002)
From Aural Innovations #19 (April 2002)
This is a solo project by Mika Rintala from Ektroverde. He has also played on some of the Circle releases. The opening track (Valkoisella mersulla lyömään golfpalloja jountsenia kohti) is a very spaced out, sometimes dark ambient piece of music. Strange sounds, acoustic guitars, synthesizers, all layered in interesting ways. This material is very difficult to describe as all except track 7 (Hakkuuaukko no 2, an acoustic guitar song) are more or less interesting soundscapes that move from one place to the next over time. Käsi nousee jo has an actual repetitive bass line and layers a female finnish voice over the top (who knows what she is talking about!). If you like to hear what basically one man does for fun and does it quite well, try and get a copy of this one. I am not sure if this will be released officially on the Ektro label or not.
For more information you can email Mika Rintala at
Reviewed by Scott Heller