Mandra gora Lightshow Society, Cherry Overdrive - Studenterhuset, København 2/26/05

From Aural Innovations #31 (June 2005)

I almost did not make it to this show as I was so tired from playing until 5 in the morning the night before. But it is very rare you can catch the Mandra Gora Lightshow Soceity from Hannover. They last played in Denmark on New Years eve 2000. I missed that show. The line up is a bit different now with a new drummer (very good!) and a new female vocalist. They started off the night at about 10:30 with nearly all songs I had never heard and I have all their records. It was really great stuff and their sound man is amazing with nice delays on the vocals in the right places, panning guitars and organs. Fantastic. A great psychedelic 70's throwback. They started off with a bit of a jam and also ended with a long jamming track. A great band if you really like the authentic 60's psychedelic pop feel.

Cherry Overdrive began within 15 minutes and were on fire. They had a guest bass player, Torben from the Davolina's, sitting in as the usual bass player had just returned from South America after 3 months. Anyway, Don't Trash My Tail, rocked! They played their two songs from the split single that was just released with Mandra Gora Lightshow Society on the Swamp Room label as well as songs from their demo CD. This is one hell of a kick ass all female band (sorry torben). Check them out!

Reviewed by Scott Heller

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