Deluge Grander - "August in the Urals"
(Emkog Records 2006, EMKOG 001)

From Aural Innovations #35 (January 2007)

I just want to say that this is a totally amazing CD, both the music and the artwork. I love the whole concept. If you like progressive rock, then this is the one CD you MUST buy in 2006. It is that fucking good. This band was formed out of the Baltimore area group Cerebus Effect, and is lead by Dan Britton (keys, some guitar and vocals). He is joined by Dave Berggren (guitars), Patrick Gaffney (Drums) and Brett d'Anon (bass). Lastly, you must mention Frank d'Anon, who plays a little of everything. The booklet features 5 fantastic pictures, each to go along with the five different tracks. The CD begins with the amazing, mostly instrumental track, Inaugural Bash (27 minutes!). This is a fantastic journey and features a lot of killer keyboard playing as well as sax, trumpet, flute and loads of guitar! August in the Urals is nearly 16 minutes and probably my favourite track on the CD. I really like the vocal style (not too high pitched and quite pleasant spoke word style, nearly). This track really builds nicely and even features oud! Abandonded Mansion Afternoon (12 mins) has a very eerie dark feel to it but is also nicely melodic and again features just amazing playing by everyone. A Squirrel is an all instrumental track which allows the entire band to show off. The Solitude of Miranda reminds me of Jethro Tull's instrumental style music at the beginning of the track and it features some interesting vocals as the track keeps an intense mood and playing until the very end. Amazing CD. Buy it today!

For more information you can visit the Deluge Grander web site at:
Email at:

Reviewed by Scott Heller

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