(Catland R-2)
From Aural Innovations #37 (Sep 2007)
Rumble and Baby Robots are Texas based bands with common member Bobby Baker.
Most of this music is instrumental. The Rumble stuff recorded in August 2006
and is 8 tracks in 34 minutes. The opening track (no track listing to be found)
starts very noisy but develops into a really psychedelic rock song with the
spaced guitar leading the way with the other instruments mixed more in the background.
Track 2 features some vocalization deep in the noisy soundscape as the guitars
roar and search for peace, they will never find. Track 3 starts as laid back
psychedelic haze going in and out and with some violin playing. Track 4 is a
short fast assault with some crazy horns and Stooges like guitar attack. Track
5 gets totally spaced out and is very stoned before bursting into a psych rock
guitar monster. This is for sure the coolest piece on the CD. Track 6 uses some
effects on the sound that trip you out a bit to start but is a nice psyched
out piece of music but you feel like something bad is going to happen…
Track 7 is a short rock song with real vocals and quite cool.. raw stuff.. The
CD ends with a very psychedelic piece. Strange but really cool music..
For more information you can visit the band’s web site at:
Reviewed by Scott Heller