The Glasspack- Dirty Women
(Small Stone Records SS-071)
From Aural Innovations #37 (Sep 2007)
The Glasspack are from Kentucky and play rock and roll. This is their 4th full length CD from what I can find out about the band. The band play with an attitude, a in your face fuck off I’m gonna drink your beer fucker, kind of attitude in their music. The music is pretty straightforward rock and roll with nothing too special except the attitude and the really raw sound. Occassionally, Dave will rip out some wild and manically crazy guitar solos (like in My Curse) but most of the time it just riffing away… Lot Lizard is a real foot stomper like a really dirty version of Status Quo! Ice Cream is kicks it up in high gear like Nebula and gets really psychedelic with some cool guitars and piano! Fire in the Trailer Park, is a very bluesy Blue Cheer like track. Super Sport, is a more tuned down doomy stoner trackThe 10th track, Louisiana Strawberry is such a killer track though (and about 1/4th the length of the total CD) that it is worth the purchase of the CD or at least that track as an MP3. Amazing song. Wow… Dirty, nasty…and great stuff…
For more information you can visit the band’s site at:
You can also visit the band’s record label site at:
Reviewed by Scott Heller