> Pan Transcendental Industries stands for human and superhuman, for death and immortality, for fall and resurrection. It becomes evident that The Process becomes a denial of procreation as a basic condition for the break with cosmic law.< |
We acknowledge the absolute authority over the planet that this power places in our hands. |
Uplift Doctor Brian Griffin's Theorem, or the elevator principle as it has become known, postulates that the greater the distance from Earth and terefore the more unnatural the location - the closer the communication with whatever remains eg. light or air. (The principle is the ultimate self fulfilling prophecy. The further one travels upwards, the more undesireable the circumstances it leaves behind.) This simple progress, which revolutionises world opinion, obviously works in reverse ratio. Thus, angels are attracted from heaven to earth and humans from earth to heaven, or as Doctor Griffin fundamentally expresses, the core of his equation. Given
G = Ground, H = Heaven, A = Angels, CD = Car Door Which can be explained simply as 'There are no car doors in Heaven when angels are on the ground'.
Spirit of the Age Based on the elevator principle, the factories are built on a layering of the world's surface. The structure supports seven horizontal frames all the the size of the original plot. Each of the these floors or institutes are modified to become an incubator of ideologies, devoted to the artificial conception of theoretics, interpretations, conceptions, proposals and their infliction on the world. These ideological laboratories, equipped to temporarily suspend unwelcome laws, are created to facilitate and provoke speculative activities. Projects developing under ideal and identical conditions have the right to expand indefinitely toward heaven. Together these institutes form an enormous incubator of the world itself. They are breeding on the globe. Hidden in the clouds other activities occupy other plots. A lie becomes a truth. A dream from which there is no waking.
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