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Census of Hallucinations - "Dragonnian Days"

The new Tim Jones / Stone Premonitions CD Census of Hallucianations: Dragonian Days is a breath of fresh air. The production is absolutely fantastic; the guitar playing is some of the best I've heard for a long while and Paddi is his wicked self... simply awesome drumming. 'Census' is a Kalashnikov held up against the hokum, snake oil and hollow rhetoric of socio-economic politics; percussively and successfully blasting away the half-truths, false promises and sepia-tinted 'values' from soulless glossy presidential propaganda and spinmongering fed into our everyday existence.

A tour de force of good over evil, but retaining an evil edge to the music. I vote for more of this insightful, honest wickedness - it certainly does what is says on the tin.

(Reviewed by John Birch, Author of the book 'DESIRE: Paddy McAloon's Prefab Sprout', due out in November 2012)