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THE GLOBAL BROAD BAND "Freedom" (Stone Premonitions)

With him here, Mr. Jones, not Mr. Smith, but a multi-instrumentalist by the Scottish sounding name paddies. These two are together for all the songs on the album, and to help him on this album, they brought in several talented guest artists. On the song "This Is England" is the musicians in the more progressive the corner, and come up with a song that has a lot of Kevin Coyne in the terms of mood, themes and of course voice. This probably is not proven, but it's nice to hear that the now deceased and the great artist Kevin Coyne's "spirit" and aesthetics are kept alive. "This England" also has an exquisite intensity, and raljerer including the soap opera as the sole intellectual food and with no news that we all face. A more catchy and easy song is "A Different Kind" which is in a mode of danceable but bluesstenket psychedelic rock. Rock is also "Waddya Want` s "that are socially alloy and grooves, and great benefit to us with a neat mix of injection of the elements from punk and prog. A nice and melodious dialogue between the vocals and background vocals lift the song further. What is the message of "Free Palestine" is obviously, and it is certainly a long and fine tune this so important subject. A slight revision has "In The Image" crawled from where we last met it on the album "The clowning Achievement", but this version is good and suitable suggestive. Anything less guitar-oriented song is now, but the more focusing on the vocals that are cleverly alloy and executed. Poetry is about those to gain power and money are committing the most grotesque acts, all summed up in a clever chorus. Also "Perpetual Motion" we found the aforementioned "The clowning Achievement", and now it's a nice and small but hypnotic dance and fine rocker, now shortened to "only" nine minutes. This album features six vibrant, well played and well performed songs with a burning political message that these artists are perceived as less social and political reality. All is not necessarily agree on what poetry is on the agenda, but to thank me courage of their convictions and to record important theme. A theme that musicians really stand for and who now fully come to the surface of this great Stone Premonition release. A stark contrast to the meaningless lyrics like "look and easy on the buttocks, every man the pumps!" On this album followed also interesting poetry of well played and performed great music as it is well worth acquiring them.

(Merlin Prog)